Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Fantastic Evening...

Braden's preschool had their Christmas program last night. It was so fun to watch all the 3 and 4 year old children preforming and singing sweet Christmas songs. Braden did such a great job in his role as Joseph and he worked really hard to keep up with the hand motions of each song. Gentry and I were delighted to see our little man up on stage singing his heart out. His shyness is definitely going away...when he spotted us in the crowd he yelled out," there's my mommy and daddy"! We were very proud to claim that one as our's, as well. After the program was complete, Braden presented us with a beautiful nativity scene he had made along with a sweet Christmas card and a cool ornament for our tree. It was a lovely evening... full of wonder, much humor, and glory to Jesus. Sigh* what more can you ask for this Christmas season? We are so blessed with our little ones and we so enjoy this journey with them.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Fruit of the Spirit...

This morning I woke up...crabby. Yes, I admit it...REALLY crabby. You know what? I accepted that I was crabby the minute that I woke up. It didn't help that I have a slight cold and that I didn't sleep well last night. In fact, I can think of at least five really good reasons to be crabby today. So I guess it's alright...

I went to my Bible study this morning. Because of my rather foul mood, I sort of dragged my way in. I knew that I would keep my daughter with me instead of nursery, because she too, has a slight cold. Today was our Believing God wrap-up/ Christmas celebrations with the ladies of Boise First. My listening skills were immediately challenged by my rambunctious, nearly two year old little girl, who, with a gleam in her eye, started wiggling and attempting to free herself from my grasp. I soon found myself alternating holding her in the back of the room and letting her run free out in the hallway. This activity did not lighten my mood, instead, I'm sure I became even more grumpy...

During one of the moments where Rylee was calmly allowing me to hold her, a dear friend of mine stood up to address the group. Almost instantly, I felt a perceptible electricity in the air. It was like Christ was saying, "listen to this". I was immediately amazed at her humility and courage to address this group, baring all. Her testimony was raw, rich, real and beautiful. Many of her words reflected experiences and thoughts in my life. Christ has worked in my life in very similar ways as my friend and yet both of our stories are unique to us. Wow!

And still I left church grumpy...

My whole day was grumpy, I was not cheerful to my children and I wasn't cheerful to myself... When my husband came home from work, I wasn't particularly cheerful to him. Kind of a ugly circle... Have you ever had a day like this?

So tonight, I ran to the book store to get some stationary for our family Christmas letter (don't worry, I didn't write it today). While I was there, I picked up a book, a journaling tool actually, written by Max Lucado. The first couple of pages sort of knocked me on the head...

Every morning, we are given a choice... Because of God sacrificing His son, Jesus, on the cross, each of us are free to choose how we face each new day. Today, I failed, but by the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ I have another opportunity to choose tomorrow.
I pray that tomorrow
I choose Love...
I choose Joy...
I choose Peace...
I choose Patience...
I choose Kindness...
I choose Goodness...
I choose Faithfulness...
I choose Gentleness...
I choose Self-control...

"To these I commit my day," Max Lucado, Grace for the Moment Journal

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." Galatians 5:22-26 NIV

Friday, November 16, 2007

Freedom, Peace, Pain, Shelter, Power, Learning, Love!

This afternoon, my daughter was determined in her 22 month old way to have me hold her. I carried her around the house for a little while and she nestled her head upon my shoulder. Soon her sweet breath on my neck became steady and full and I knew that she slumbered. I sat down with her on the couch and held her, reveling in her warmth cuddled up to me. Her trust in me was so complete and she could enter into peaceful sleep in the security of my arms...

I had a feeling while I was sitting there holding my precious child, what God must feel like when we completely trust in Him and accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, our sins forgotten. I get it! I can slumber in peace...

I have heard from two people who are very dear to me this week. Both discussed pain and tragedy that has occured in their lives. There is a song that I love by Mercy Me called Bring the Rain... Have you heard it?
I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that I've gone through

The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You

Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind

To turn my back on you oh Lord
My only shelter from the storms
But instead I draw closer through these times

So I pray

Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory

And I know There'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus Bring the Rain

I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain

You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain

Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty

My moment earlier this week? My husband and I have decided to walk with Christ. For the first time in our life together... we really prayed together. We prayed out loud and we talked to the Lord! We discovered that it wasn't easy, yet it was so easy at the same time. Prayer seems to intensify when spoken out loud! I love the way prayer sounds coming out of our mouths. Giving glory to God and verbalizing the help that we need from God in our lives is pure power!

I am learning about the amazing love that God has for us and the gift He has given us. I am learning that is isn't about Kelly, it isn't about what I can do in my life or what I have done in my life. It's about love and believing God. I'm starting to see it...everywhere!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Amazing Moment...

Being a mom, I have experienced many amazing moments in the last three plus years. Last night I experienced another amazing moment. It didn't directly involve my children, although this moment will impact them greatly in the years to come...

In church yesterday, our pastor spoke on Psalm 119: 57-64. Specifically, I was moved by verse 59- I pondered the direction in my life and I turned to follow your statutes. I can personally say that I, too, have pondered the direction in my life for many years. Until recently, although a strong believer in Christ, I was not fully committed to following Christ's statutes. Our pastor verbalized that when you allow God into your heart, God will expel the darkness...He also exposes the dirt with His light! How afraid I have been to have my dirt exposed! My journey is only beginning. I have much to work through in my life...much 'dirt' to sift through. I cannot continue to walk in the same direction after saying "I'm sorry, Lord". My direction must also change. The decisions and choices I have made in my past may have formed who I am today, but my future will be a summation of the choices I make from this day forward!

My amazing moment last night? Well, I need to hold onto that a bit longer... I need to savor it's impact on my family and me. I will share its significance soon...

Tonight, together with my husband and some amazing friends, I begin a small group that I believe will be powerful! I can't wait!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Importance of Life's Journey

We all have our own story... The experiences of our past that shape who we become. Mistakes made, lessons learned, disappointments, celebrations. All form the foundation of who we grow into. Layer after layer... In its entirety, we become complex, colorful individuals, each with a different perspective, motivation, and purpose. Why does this matter? I believe our journey in life is our dance. The complicated steps are choreographed by decisions we make. When we choose Christ as our lead, even the most complex movements become graceful, fluid, even beautiful.