Thursday, March 11, 2010

For Such a Time as This

Why? What? How? All questions asked by one who in the same plea asks for me not to voice answers. Expectant of my reply; perplexed by my silence. Seeking acceptance and respect where none is due. My motivation constructive. Attempts made to crumble the foundation on which I stand. "It can't happen!", you say.

My God can do anything.

Meaning, spirit and will enslaved. Shallow forgiveness, counterfeit actions weighing heavy on my heart. I ask for time, peace, healing. The pain belittled, claiming my behavior is unworthy of our King.

My God sings a different song.

Humbled, I stand before you with the full armor of God held on with the belt of truth. Battle waged, not against flesh and blood. Lord, fill me with your Word as my sword. I will trust you. You are faithful. Take this jar of clay and mold me into your mighty warrior. Hold my tongue and let my ears taste the words.

I will fight for you.
Unconditional love...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Back in the saddle?

Yeah, it's been awhile since I have even considered posting on my blog. It's amazing to me how tomorrow becomes history before I am able to fully appreciate its potential. Do you relate? Having three children is such blessing, but also somewhat of a productivity hinder-er. I attempt to inspire myself daily to accomplish something insignificant let alone significant. Clean the closets, organize the pantry, sort out clothes for charity... When it comes down to it, I am hindered by the up a major mess that just happened, coordinating activities around nap-time,refereeing sibling scuffles, keeping young minds occupied and their endless inquiries addressed, school pick-ups, homework, meals and after school activities. Ah, such is life. Life is good, just busy and, boy, I am usually very tired by the time the sun sets.

Today, I did manage to do something for myself. I decided that my baby and I would venture to the newest craft store in town and check it out after dropping my older two off at school. I figured I had about an hour before I needed to get home for wee-one's nap-time. Upon entering this crafter's candy store, I was immediately struck by how many employees were working. I understand that this store is new and preparing for their grand opening, but there must have been 5 times as many employees in the store as there were shoppers. In this large workforce, I noticed something else that seemed unusual to me. The majority of the staff were MALE! Ok, so I know that there are a lot of creative men out there. I happen to even know a guy that scrapbooks and I have a male family memeber who has more creativity in his little finger than I have in my whole body. Still, it was rather surprising to see so many men employed in a craft store. Males of all ages were working there. I was politely asked if I needed help by a very young gentleman who I noticed even had gauged ears that had been discreetly masked. Interesting. I wonder... is it the economy that has prompted men into seeking employment in craft stores? I can't help but feel a bit awkward about this possibility. I feel that men in our society have been deeply emasculated by so many things. I certainly hate to see men employed by a craft store out of necessity. This is certainly a sad reflection of our once great, strong nation that was teethed on concepts of free enterprise and the American dream. I will say that if it means that the women are at home raising their children and the men are clawing at the earth trying to find a way to support their families, then great, but I fear that is not the case. While Mexican nationals are cultivating our nations dwindling food supply, American men are seeking employment in craft stores. Have the parent's of our men tainted the concept of work? Has laboring in the fields become a demeaning job that our boys are too good for? Has it forced our farmer's to hire those who will get their hands dirty and work for a lower wage? A wage that ultimately gets flooded into Mexico's economy. While a craft store's pay is likely higher than toiling in the fields, what is the ultimate price? Have we sold out our country? Is the craft store job a means to an end or an end to a means for these men? Are their dreams alive or dissolved? There is certainly nothing wrong with working in a craft store and it's admirable to be working and not simply relying on federal programs. But I think, perhaps, it should prompt some thought on the strength of our nation and society.

Who knows... all just incomplete, random thoughts as I explore a new craft store perusing the projects. I humor myself with thoughts that I might actually find time to complete one...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Beautiful Christian Sister

By Maya Angelou 

'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ 
That a man should have to seek Him first to find her.' 

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean livin'' 
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.' 

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride. 
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide. 

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong. 
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say.. 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success. 
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. 

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect, 
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. 

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain.. 
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. 

When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou, 
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!' 

Friday, January 23, 2009


Approximately a year and a half ago, I traded in my early morning commutes, leisurely cup of am coffee, meeting after meeting, and business clothes. I became a stay-at-home-mom. Easy right? Aw, the good life... I've heard the cliches. Watch soap operas all day, eat bon-bons...sigh...nice. Well, the truth is the trade was for chaotic scrambles to get three kids ready every morning, squeezing three car seat-enveloped kids into a tight backseat, slamming a cup of coffee between requests for food and cries for breastfeeding, wiping off all sorts of staining fluids and particles from my worn clothing, and trying to triage what is absolutely necessary to accomplish for the day. While demanding, my "old job" was nothing compared to raising and molding three human beings. It isn't nearly as simple as just telling them what to do, it's teaching them why they should do it and find a way to make them interested and motivated to complete a task. Just when I think I have the hang of it with my son , I turn around and see my other child who happens to have a completely different personality. I realize technique number one will simply never work with her. What will number three be like!?! My years in management were a piece of cake compared to my daily tasks. I haven't even mentioned the never-ending house cleaning, meal planning, grocery shopping (going to the grocery store with three kids is a challenge worth later focus in my blog), and LAUNDRY! Oh, and we have two dogs and a cat;~)

I absolutely wouldn't trade a second of it (the paycheck ;~) is amazing), but I do have fantasies about sleeping in until 9am. Is that weird?

Ok, off to feed the baby...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Precious life...

I heard about this story and I was so incredibly moved by this sweet little boy's life. It reminds me how very precious each day is with the ones we love...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Safe Candles!

`Please check out this new blog from Scentsy to discover the safe, wickless alternative to candles! My website is

In July of 2003, two moms who loved candles but didn’t want to worry about the danger of open flames decided to design a safe alternative to fragrant wicked candles.
After months of research, a safe, beautiful and creative alternative to a traditional wick and flame candle was born. Aromatic candles, heated in decorative warmers where the wax is melted by the heat of a 25 watt bulb, were the fragrance solution they had been looking for.Today that safe alternative to wicked candles is being spread by independent consultants of Scentsy Inc., the authentic wickless candle company. The concept is simple, and powerful. The products are heartwarming and current. Above all, they are safe.

Candle fires are reported more often during the holiday season than any other time of year. Four out of the 5 days with the highest reported incidences of home fires are Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. (The fifth day is Halloween.)

Be fire safe this holiday and visit our blog

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

From the SEEing Feast...SEE something sacred in the everyday

Yes, I admit it, my house is messy a large majority of the time. My children enjoy expanding their world (the contents of their rooms) to the entire house. Their vivid imaginations bring dinosaur wars, bug safaris, and guess the animal games to my living room. Often enough the remnants of these adventures tend to remain scattered across the floor. I feel like I am continually picking up after them or bargaining with them...I mean using parenting strategies, to get them to clean up after themselves...

Today, I took a step back and imagined what it would be like without the messes. I found myself contempating the past when my house was tidier, before our children blessed our home. The days when I had more time to myself, more sleep, and less noise in my home. As the breath caught in my throat, I realized that I would feel so empty without them. In fact, my life has become so much more enriched by my children. Their imaginations and the innocent way they look at the world humbles me and gives me pause to slow down and not worry about the little things. They motivate me to pray like I've never prayed before and to give glory to Christ.

Ok, the battle to keep my house clean continues, but at least I can appreciate it more this day...