My son loves bugs. I mean he really loves bugs...everything about them. What I see as creepy crawy creatures, he sees magnificent features and amazing qualities. Daily, he wanders around the yard lifting every rock he can find to see if he can discover a new kind of bug or just one of a familiar variety. I have been asked numerous questions about bugs. What, why, how come? I have even found myself seeking guidance about certain kinds of bugs on the Internet search engines to satisfy the curiosity of a four year old child. He has recruited his sister into the love and observation of bugs. Together they search and become one with the bug's habitat, often challenging my laundering abilities. Together they are budding entomologists, alive with fascination and interest...
When do we change? I imagine there was a time in my life where I looked at things, like bugs, in fascination rather than fear or repulsion. Because of my son, I had an opportunity to look closely at a grasshopper for the first time in probably 20+ years. I must admit, it was captivating! I was actually surprised that I found a glimmer of interest in my bogged brain. As I read the many bug books that are requested at bedtime, I find myself amazed that even the smallest of God's creatures are complex and intricate and, yes, fascinating...even the gross ones.
My, how much we overlook as we enter into the hustle and bustle of adulthood... How wonderful it is to have children to remind us of innocence lost...