Monday, November 12, 2007

Amazing Moment...

Being a mom, I have experienced many amazing moments in the last three plus years. Last night I experienced another amazing moment. It didn't directly involve my children, although this moment will impact them greatly in the years to come...

In church yesterday, our pastor spoke on Psalm 119: 57-64. Specifically, I was moved by verse 59- I pondered the direction in my life and I turned to follow your statutes. I can personally say that I, too, have pondered the direction in my life for many years. Until recently, although a strong believer in Christ, I was not fully committed to following Christ's statutes. Our pastor verbalized that when you allow God into your heart, God will expel the darkness...He also exposes the dirt with His light! How afraid I have been to have my dirt exposed! My journey is only beginning. I have much to work through in my life...much 'dirt' to sift through. I cannot continue to walk in the same direction after saying "I'm sorry, Lord". My direction must also change. The decisions and choices I have made in my past may have formed who I am today, but my future will be a summation of the choices I make from this day forward!

My amazing moment last night? Well, I need to hold onto that a bit longer... I need to savor it's impact on my family and me. I will share its significance soon...

Tonight, together with my husband and some amazing friends, I begin a small group that I believe will be powerful! I can't wait!!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Okay, girlfriend, you better tell us about this amazing moment before my patience runs out:) Are you pregnant????????

Love, Mandy